Friday, July 26, 2013

Some Un-edited Old Poetry I Found In My Room

The Sound of the Halls

The silence presses around us
Like watercolors drowning

Each word we speak
Makes up a symphony

And as they all get louder
A spilled glass of water

And as each color blends
So do the drums and violins

And as we walk away
We're painting off our page

Washing into headlines
We're our symphony behind

Finish the painting
End the song
And we're gone

*No Name*

Art of great design
Green tipped branches touch the sky
Standing tall it smiles

Dirt stage, we act out
Hyperbole the story
Cheesy, laughter rings

The bells ring lovely
Calling children sweets are here
Relief from the sun

*Poem desicribing the mountain trees*

Brushing up against the globe
Higher than we ever could
Almost there but they can't touch it
Reaching, lifting
Left with nothing

*Poem describing the sky/clouds*

Swimming across the sky
Viewing from below the surface
Moving like it
Can walk on its own

*Unnamed poem*

Tapping my foot
Walking down the street
Looking for a dream
For a change of beat


I lean against
The first domino
In my defense
I didn't know

But now it topples
Down the road
Not the effect
We usually know

They don't even touch
Yet they all fall
If anything can
It will go wrong

They trip and fall
Over one another
The next one just
Fell in a puddle

Just drop the bomb
Let's start all over
Another day

Go back to bed
And pray again
About the grass
On the other end

Each memory
Burned in our heads
Let's start all over
Go to bed

Wish that I
Could forget
Start it all over
Once again

I'm not out
But I am down
We cannot stop
Us falling down

Because I am
A domino
Trip and fall
All in a row

Can't wait for it to end
But when
My show comes on
The rest of the world is gone

And then I'll sleep
Hope to forget
It's not over
'Til the end

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