Sunday, May 4, 2014

The Unknown

I've been facing a lot of umpteen things. My future is very open to interpretation. I don't know what the summer will hold. I don't know what fall will hold. I have some idea what the next month may hold, but there's so much that could happen in there. So much.
I can be filled with fear and anxiety, and have. But somewhere inside, I'm very excited. Like when you might like a guy or a guy might like you. It's a scary thing. You don't believe it could be anything good. But you hope for the best to happen. That's what I hope, for so many things. I want the next year to be amazing. That's the goal. No matter what happens, no matter if I fall in and out of love or not at all, no matter if I find a thousand hardships, no matter if finding good friends is harder than I thought, my goal is to have an amazing year.
Go make some goals you really really want.
Then make them happen.

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Artist Hands

An artist is an artist
In every moment
In every action

Clean pages
Clean hands
Are naked in his eyes

The ink
The paint
The charcoal

His hands are his pallett
His painting
His brush

When his hands are stained
He can breathe
He can be

They show everything he is
They are, he is
His masterpiece

Each stroke of the beauty he has made
Is contained
And written on his hands

They are the history he hates to erase
But loves to rewrite
Every moment of time

An artist sees beauty
In everything there is
And his hands are his piece of it all

They are a soldiers scars
A writers rough drafts
The bags of an endless night

Burn my books
But let me walk
With an artists hands

I will hold them to the light
To the sky
To the world

I can take my art with me
Wherever I go
And tell the world

This is who I am

An artist
With artist's hands

Saturday, July 27, 2013


Ten years.

Ten years of memories
Of growing up
Of changing
Of life
Of death
Of friends
Of family.

Ten years.

All into boxes.

Slowly, the pieces fade.
The walls are emptied.

Half a lifetime
Fitting in a pile of boxes.

And I don't know where the boxes will go
Or how they'll be unpacked
Or what remains intact
Or how long it will take
Or how long it will last

Or if it will feel like home.

Friday, July 26, 2013

Some Un-edited Old Poetry I Found In My Room

The Sound of the Halls

The silence presses around us
Like watercolors drowning

Each word we speak
Makes up a symphony

And as they all get louder
A spilled glass of water

And as each color blends
So do the drums and violins

And as we walk away
We're painting off our page

Washing into headlines
We're our symphony behind

Finish the painting
End the song
And we're gone

*No Name*

Art of great design
Green tipped branches touch the sky
Standing tall it smiles

Dirt stage, we act out
Hyperbole the story
Cheesy, laughter rings

The bells ring lovely
Calling children sweets are here
Relief from the sun

*Poem desicribing the mountain trees*

Brushing up against the globe
Higher than we ever could
Almost there but they can't touch it
Reaching, lifting
Left with nothing

*Poem describing the sky/clouds*

Swimming across the sky
Viewing from below the surface
Moving like it
Can walk on its own

*Unnamed poem*

Tapping my foot
Walking down the street
Looking for a dream
For a change of beat


I lean against
The first domino
In my defense
I didn't know

But now it topples
Down the road
Not the effect
We usually know

They don't even touch
Yet they all fall
If anything can
It will go wrong

They trip and fall
Over one another
The next one just
Fell in a puddle

Just drop the bomb
Let's start all over
Another day

Go back to bed
And pray again
About the grass
On the other end

Each memory
Burned in our heads
Let's start all over
Go to bed

Wish that I
Could forget
Start it all over
Once again

I'm not out
But I am down
We cannot stop
Us falling down

Because I am
A domino
Trip and fall
All in a row

Can't wait for it to end
But when
My show comes on
The rest of the world is gone

And then I'll sleep
Hope to forget
It's not over
'Til the end

Friday, June 7, 2013

The Daffodils

I was reading The Daffodils by William Wordsworth, and since girl's camp is coming up, I thought of the mountains. I saw the grassy hills, the expanses of water, the trees, the universe laid before me, the canyon the mountains the sky, everything so grand and huge, but so many tiny details. I saw the beauty and the memories and I missed it. You cannot believe how beautiful it is. Sometimes you feel like you're in a novel. Sometimes it makes you want to write a novel or a poem (especially me because I like to do that).
Sometimes the "simple" things in life are the most amazing. Some days you're satisfied with sitting in the grass or floating in the pool, and maybe it's summer fever (seriously, it's 100+ where I live), maybe it's life getting complicated, but it is so...wonderful.

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Political Rant

I can see the why and benefits of the government logging calls, but they're pushing it. Why just Verizon? Terrorists don't like T-Mobile? The government more and more pushes what they can and cannot control. There is such a thing as too much government. It often seems we cannot make a real and true change; it often seems it is not a government for or by the people. And why all the hate on republicans? Democrats aren't politicians? The real reasons Romney lost? People believed commercials, thought obama was our bestie because he's black, hated romney because he was LDS, white, we've had white republican older guys in office before. News flash? Obama is not poor, is a politician, and causes just as many issues as white people. He won partially because of prejudice. I'm so sick of all this drama, you'd think it was high school. Sometimes I just want to declare anarchy! (JK, don't come
swarm my house government!) I'm done with it. Go guns. Go freedom of speech and religion. Go rights. Go gov. BY and FOR the people.
P.S. Excuse the rant
P.P.S. May throw in some fun crafts cooking etc.

Verizon wearing a wire

I can see the why and benefits of the government logging calls, but they're pushing it. Why just Verizon? Terrorists don't like T-Mobile? The government more and more pushes what they can and cannot control. There is such a thing as too much government. It often seems we cannot make a real and true change; it often seems it is not a government for or by the people. And why all the hate on republicans? Democrats aren't politicians? The real reasons Romney lost? People believed commercials, thought obama was our bestie because he's black, hated romney because he was LDS, white, we've had white republican older guys in office before. News flash? Obama is not poor, is a politician, and causes just as many issues as white people. He won partially because of prejudice.